313 research outputs found

    Role of spd- Continuum Components in the Halo Nucleus 6He

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    Role of different continuum components in the weakly bound nucleus 6He is studied by coupling unbound spd-waves of 5He by using simple pairing contact-delta interaction. The results show that 6He ground state 0+0^+ displays collective nature by taking contribution from five different oscillating continuum states that sum up to give an exponentially decaying bound wavefunction emerging from five different possible configurations i.e. (s1/2)2(s_{1/2})^2, (p1/2)2(p_{1/2})^2, (p3/2)2(p_{3/2})^2, (d3/2)2(d_{3/2})^2 and (d5/2)2(d_{5/2})^2. The ground state properties of 6He has been calculated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, presented at Nuclear Structure and Dynamics III, June 14 to 19, 2015, Portoroz, Sloveni

    Gruss inequality for some types of positive linear maps

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    Assuming a unitarily invariant norm ∣∣∣⋅∣∣∣|||\cdot||| is given on a two-sided ideal of bounded linear operators acting on a separable Hilbert space, it induces some unitarily invariant norms ∣∣∣⋅∣∣∣|||\cdot||| on matrix algebras Mn\mathcal{M}_n for all finite values of nn via ∣∣∣A∣∣∣=∣∣∣A⊕0∣∣∣|||A|||=|||A\oplus 0|||. We show that if A\mathscr{A} is a C∗C^*-algebra of finite dimension kk and Φ:A→Mn\Phi: \mathscr{A} \to \mathcal{M}_n is a unital completely positive map, then \begin{equation*} |||\Phi(AB)-\Phi(A)\Phi(B)||| \leq \frac{1}{4} |||I_{n}|||\,|||I_{kn}||| d_A d_B \end{equation*} for any A,B∈AA,B \in \mathscr{A}, where dXd_X denotes the diameter of the unitary orbit \{UXU^*: U \mbox{ is unitary}\} of XX and ImI_{m} stands for the identity of Mm\mathcal{M}_{m}. Further we get an analogous inequality for certain nn-positive maps in the setting of full matrix algebras by using some matrix tricks. We also give a Gr\"uss operator inequality in the setting of C∗C^*-algebras of arbitrary dimension and apply it to some inequalities involving continuous fields of operators.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in J. Operator Theory (JOT

    Eigenvalue extensions of Bohr's inequality

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    We present a weak majorization inequality and apply it to prove eigenvalue and unitarily invariant norm extensions of a version of the Bohr's inequality due to Vasi\'c and Ke\v{c}ki\'c.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Linear Algebra App

    RNA-Protein Interactions in the U12-Dependent Spliceosome

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    Nuclear precursor messenger RNA (Pre-mRNA) splicing is an important regulatory step in metazoan gene expression. More than 99% of nuclear pre-mRNA introns are U2-type that are spliced by U2-dependent spliceosome containing U1, U2, U4, U5 and U6 snRNAs. Only less than 1% of the introns are U12-type and spliced by U11, U12, U4atac, U5 and U6atac snRNAs. U12 and U6atac snRNAs play a central role in the splicing of U12-dependent introns. Our previous work demonstrated that the conserved 3\u27 stem-loop region of U6atac snRNA contains a U12-dependent spliceosome-specific targeting activity, however any potential molecular mechanism was unclear. We discovered that the distal 3\u27 stem-loop of U6atac has structural and sequence similarities with stem-loop III of U12 snRNA. These observations convinced us to investigate the structure-function requirement of the substructure of the U6atac 3\u27 stem-loop in U12-dependent in vivo splicing. Our results show that the C-terminal RNA recognition motif of p65, a U12 snRNA binding protein, also binds to the distal 3\u27 stem-loop of U6atac. Using in vivo genetic suppressor assay, we demonstrate that stem-loop III of U12 snRNA which binds to p65 protein can be functionally replaced by U6atac distal stem-loop and vice-versa. Furthermore, we tested the compatibility of the U6atac 3\u27 end from phylogenetically distant species in a human U6atac suppressor background to establish the evolutionary relatedness of these structures and in vivo functionality. In conclusion, we demonstrate that p65 C-terminal RNA recognition motif interacts with the U6atac distal 3\u27 stem-loop. Although the significance of p65 binding to U6atac snRNA is not clear, our study suggests that both the helix structure, as well as the sequence of U6atac distal 3\u27 stem-loop is important for snRNA-protein interactions and U12-dependent intron splicing

    Ethics vs. Profits : social Dilema

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    Ethics in Advertising

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    Pada dasarnya periklanan mengandung dua aspek utanta, yakni aspek komersial dan aspek sosial. Dalam konteks aspek komersial, iklan cenderung untuk memanipulasi pikiran dengan memberikan informasi kepada konsumen bahwa produk/jasa yang diiklankan tersebut merupakan yang terbaik, dan pemasang iklan tidak peduli apakah konsumen membutuhkan atau tidak produk/jasa tersebut. Sedangkan dalam konteks aspek sosial, iklan cenderung untuk memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi konsumen dalam memahami produk, jasa, dan perusahaan penghasil produk/jasa sehingga mentbantu konsumen dalanz pengambilan keputusan untuk membeli produk/jasa sesuai dengan pilihannya. Namun, karena pemasang iklan lebih berorientasi kepada profit, maka mereka cenderung untuk lebih mengutamakan aspek kontersialdari pada aspek sosial dalam periklanan. Artikel mencoba membahas tanggungjawab sosial pemasang iklan untuk memberikan informasi kepada konsumen dalam memilih berbagai alternatif produk yang tersedia dan mendidik masyarakat dalam menilai keunggulan produkapa saja yang tidak harus dibeli berdasarkan informasi yang benar, tanpa adanya manipulasi terhadap pikiran konsumen. Keywords: advertisingagencybrandcompetitorconcept of moralityconsumersrationall irrational persuasionsalesma

    Electric multipole response of the halo nucleus 6^6He

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    The role of different continuum components in the weakly-bound nucleus 6^6He is studied by coupling unbound spd-waves of 5^5He by means of simple pairing contact-delta interaction. The results of our previous investigations in a model space containing only p-waves, showed the collective nature of the ground state and allowed the calculation of the electric quadrupole transitions. We extend this simple model by including also sd-continuum neutron states and we investigate the electric monopole, dipole and octupole response of the system for transitions to the continuum, discussing the contribution of different configurations.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure
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